Order a taxi ride or order delivery in one application, you receive the TOTAL price of the Race before you order. The calculation method is based on the distance traveled and the estimated journey time when making the reservation.
ITaxi GO and iTaxi Driver GO apps can be downloaded and used for free from the Google Store and App Store.
The customer selects the destination where he wants to reach, and the application calculates the optimal route based on distance and time.
The customer chooses the available car and he can see before placing the order the car model, the year of manufacture, the taxi company and / or the drivers picture and the drivers ability to accept cash or card payment.
After the customer had chosen the desired car, the order is automatically sent to the driver for the chosen race. The driver receives the calculated route, the passengers location and the total amount that the customer offers for this service. The driver has the option to either accept or reject the offer, and the customer is notified.
When the driver accepts the customers offer the driver can see the name and telephone number of the customer, the distance and the price of the ride
The customer can see in real time the drivers progress towards the meeting point, the drivers phone number and the car number
The customer pays to driver the amount that proposed and accepted at the time of creating the reservation.
Registration in the application and its use for customers is free.